A memorable family day with kitebuggying in Velsen-Noord

On Saturday we gathered for fun activity with the Antonis to celebrate their beautiful family. Despite the strong wind and the busy circumstances we suceeded in having plenty of fun and laughter on this amazing beach. Thanks to our energetic and young group our team managed to let everybody get a feel for kitebuggying! :) Our group did a wonderful job in steering the kites, while watching out for their surroundings.

What we appreciated the most was their fun and easy going attitude! Thank you for this great afternoon, it was our pleasure to watch you having fun with your loving family!
Thumbs up for you guys, you were the best!  Hope to see you soon! :)  Cheers!


Locatie: Velsen-Noord

Datum: 20 augustus 2016

Programma: Kitebuggying

Gezelschap: Familie Antoni

Aantal personen: 22