Jasper Boekbinder
4 min

Robinson Expedition with Shell on the sunny beach of Scheveningen

4 min

What a wonderful sunny day!

After some rain showers in the morning the Tax Division of Shell was lucky enough to have the weather on their side for their team building afternoon. By the time our participants got to the beach we were blessed with a clear blue sky. After a little time and a drink to unwind we got started with the afternoon’s activity, Robinson Expedition. Our participants’ task was to demonstrate quick thinking, teamwork, speed and endurance during various challenges. Just as Robinson Crusoe had to on the Island of Despair, in order to survive.

We started with the activity ‘Banner of Arms’ where each group made an extremely creative banner that was the symbol of their tribe. After a viscous group-shot we all went to the beach to get truly active. The tribes completed the Tasting, Balancing and Hunting Challenges on the beach. After all team scores have been added up, we gathered for the Grand Finale where all groups had the chance to give us their best shot in order to rank higher!


All tribes: Africa, America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica did a wonderful job. Nevertheless, there could only be one winner. The tribe of America took the winning trophy home…it seems their banner was right, stating ‘America first’.

After plenty of fun and laughter it was finally time to kick back with some drinks and to enjoy the beach of The Hague during a BBQ. Kiera, Asya and Réka would like to give a shout-out for the teamwork of Shell’s Tax Division today. It’s been a true pleasure working with you! We hope to see you on your next team building event!:)

Team First Choice Events

Logo Shell


Location: Scheveningen, Beachclub Bliss

Date: 8 June 2017

Acitvitiy: Robinson Expedition

Company: Shell

Participants: 42
