Jasper Boekbinder
1 min

Superfun teambuilding with Gezondheidscentrum Saendelft in San Blas

1 min

What an awesome day on the beach! Despite the unfortunate weather we had a total blast with Gezondheidscentrum Saendelft in San Blas, Bloemendaal aan Zee.

At 2pm the First Choice Events Team welcomed the participants of the afternoon workshop in the beautiful and cozy shelter of San Blas. We eased into the afternoon with some drinks and sweetness. Yummi cakes for the tummies! After a little cozy chit-chatting we started with our creative challenges. In three rounds we tried to trigger the creativity, problem-solving skills and out-of-the-box thinking of our dear participants. During tangram, bamboe building, mega jenga and painting we witnessed excellent team work and most of all… great fun! Wow guys, it was such a pleasure to see you enjoy and immerse yourselves in the programme. This is why we are in this business. Honestly. What a pleasure to see all these happy faces and joyful moments! :)

We closed the afternoon with a couple of outdoor games to get a better taste of the Scottish Highland Games. After tossing the caber and throwing the pickles, we all gathered around the rope for the grand finale, the all-time classic, Tug of War. One last chance to give it all you had got. Pull!

Guys, big shout-out to all of you, you were a pleasure to instruct. We hope you have enjoyed the dinner and the rest of the evening. ‘Till the next time! Cheers!

Team First Choice Events

Dank je wel!!
We kregen veel positieve reacties van de deelnemers.
Het was erg leuk en goed geregeld. Ook het slecht weer alternatief was prima zo. Iets minder actief als we met de highlandgames in gedachten hadden, maar toch erg leuk. En ook goed dat we nog even naar buiten gingen.
En het schilderen viel ook in de smaak. Het zal vast mooi hangen in onze kantine/ vergaderkamer.
En San Blas als locatie was ook top! (Petra Reus)


Location: San Blas, Bloemendaal aan Zee

Date: 7 October 2017

Activity: Highland Games, Schilderen, teambuilden

Company: Gezondheidscentrum Saendelft

Participants: 37
