Jasper Boekbinder
1 min

Creative ice sculpting workshop with astronomers in Amsterdam

1 min

We had fun ice sculpting workshop with a very creative and ambitious group of astronomers.  The group’s day was filled with many presentations at the Rode Hoed debate hall. Therefore, a fun activity was awaiting them.

As the last speaker was introducing the next activity, the tables were prepared with the ice and the crafting tools. Our ice sculpting expert gave a short demonstration on how to shape the ice and explained how to use the tools. After a while, the participants could get their own hands on the ice and craft their own creations.

Astronomy objects

As soon as the groups were formed, the participants got the hold on their paper and pencil and sketch their ideas. Since the theme was to craft astronomy objects, the participants came up with many creative and ambitious ideas such as telescopes, planets, radio telescope, stars, and so forth.

The successful teamwork of the group led to impressive creations. After all, the whole idea of the workshop was to “work together with people with unknown skills, tools, and materials to a great result”.  And seeing the creations, we can absolutely say that it was a success!

In the end, the participants presented their creations and explained the coherence between the objects. And based on receiving the loudest claps, during the presentation, the winner was announced. The winning group crafted the Rosse Telescope, which actually worked. All in all, it was a fun day with lots of creative creations and teambuilding.



Location: Rode Hoed, Amsterdam

Date: 14 March 2018

Activity: Ice sculpting workshop

Company: Astron

Participants: 50
